Tournament 99  -  Round 9

Round Dates: Jul 09 - Jul 16 2024  -  Page updated: May 8, 20:20 (ICC)
Arbor U1800Aquatic U1650Erg U1500Planetary U1300
Arbor PlayoffsAquatic PlayoffsErg PlayoffsPlanetary Playoffs
Arbor Playoffs Division   Arbor U1800 Section
Division TD - burlap  Section TD - Rookmaster
Round 9
shadow knights 2:2 RedDeMate A
 Alec-hine2122 White1:0  primerpaso1844 Black
 timcent1935 Black0:1  fishhead1814 White
 trombone1739 White1:0  QuieroAprender1648 Black
 DaveTheRook1382 Black0:1  Portola1638 White
Aquatic Playoffs Division   Aquatic U1650 Section
Division TD - clarinetref  Section TD - Rookmaster
Round 9
Valar Morghulis U1650 2.5:1.5 Tal's disciples
 fishhead1814 White1:0  fileman1867 Black
 QuieroAprender1648 Black=:=  Redman11609 White
 kabindra1525 White0:1  LoseOften1537 Black
 fireball1500 Black1:0  Egmont1492 White
Erg Playoffs Division   Erg U1500 Section
Division TD - WzeroMN  Section TD - cysk
Round 9
STC Rooks 1.5:2.5 Fishers of Men - Kings Army
 Signofthetimes1588 White0:1  fhunfi1689 Black
 ARMAND020191575 Black0:1  evan72841530 White
 Kingofknights1469 White1/2  BIRDSMAN1236 Black
 tightfist1338 Black1:0  Fulmar1201 White
Planetary Playoffs Division   Planetary U1300 Section
Division TD - Gojira  Section TD - fireball
Round 9
Valar Morghulis U1300 3.5:0.5 Fishers of Men - Redeemed
 mongmong1399 White1/2  sdcohle1334 Black
 tightfist1338 Black1:0  Denis2409641201 White
 jjmolina11332 White1:0  Visin1197 Black
 kabubi1034 Black1:0  tamky701162 White